Quirk TagI was tagged by Candice...
Rules; 1 Link the person who tagged you. 2 Mention the rules on your blog. 3 Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours. 4 Tag 6 other bloggers by linking them.
I am not going to give away all of my secrets so 6 is too many but here are 4 of my PERSONAL Quirks:
CRUMBS… I absolutely go nuts over crumbs! If there are crumbs on my kitchen cupboard, it just sends me over the EDGE! Just ask Steve………
Okay if this is the time to tell all… I am petrified of bathrooms. Always have been and apparently always will be. Not my bathrooms or bathrooms of friends and family but ALL others!!! I even went to lunch yesterday and had to go to the restroom to wash my hands (oh there is another one), and it was down stairs, had a SHOWER, and was noisy. My heart was racing out of my chest. I kept telling myself how silly I was being but it still did not stop me from being scared to death. I have no idea what I am scared of but I am.
Okay, washing my hands… I don’t think this is too odd but I have to wash my hands or use sanitizer A LOT during the day or I can’t think straight. I WILL NEVER touch a public doorknob; at times I may have too but usually I use my sleeve or a tissue (or I have somebody else open it for me). If my hands are, or feel, dirty or germy, I cannot concentrate on anything else until they are cleaned.
One more and then I am DONE! Brushing my teeth. I probably brush my teeth 10 times a-day. Maybe not always 10 times but at the very least 7 times. Maybe that is not weird but I get a lot of grief from individuals about my compulsion over my teeth.